Europa Press: Spain is at the end of the line in humanitarian response efforts (Spanish)

Source: Europa Press La ayuda humanitaria de los gobiernos está cada vez más condicionada por intereses políticos, según un informe publicado este martes por la organización independiente DARA, que ha analizado la respuesta de 23 gobiernos donantes del [...] Read more...

Deutsche Welle: Concern over politicization of top donor governments’ aid

Source: Deutsche Welle An international organization, which evaluates the effectiveness of donor governments’ aid for people suffering from conflicts, disasters and climate change, has released its 2010 Humanitarian Response Index. The DARA index (HRI [...] Read more...

Download the HRI 2010 report

The problems of politicisation The complete report (28.5mb): The Humanitarian Response Index 2010: The problems of politicisation The HRI 2010 Executive Summary (English) The HRI 2010 Executive Summary (Spanish) The HRI 2010 Executive Summary ( [...] Read more...

Publish What You Fund: 2010 Humanitarian Response Index launched today

Source: Publish What You Fund December 7, 2010 The 2010 Humanitarian Response Index, launched today in Brussels, is an annual report published by DARA that aims to identify and promote good donor practice and contribute to greater transparency, accountability [...] Read more...

El Sol: Denmark, Ireland and New Zealand, countries that offer more humanitarian aid (Spanish)

Source: El Sol Una institución independiente, DARA, dio a conocer un informe sobre la ayuda de gobiernos en medio de numerosas crisis. 07 de Diciembre de 2010 09:19 Por: EFE Bruselas, 7 dic (EFE).- Dinamarca, Irlanda y Nueva Zelanda son los pa [...] Read more...

AlertNet: U.S. near bottom in humanitarian donor list

The HRI 2010 is featured in an article about the US´ humanitarian ranking: "The United States came second to last in the Humanitarian Response Index 2010, which ranked 19 rich countries and the European Commission on the effectiveness of their aid efforts." Read more...

El País: Climate Summit in Cancun leads nowhere (Spanish)

The CVM attended the climate summit in Cancun, and Japan announced that it does not want to participate in a second Kyoto Protocol. Source: El País Los delegados de los 194 países reunidos en la Cumbre del Clima de Cancún parecen moverse por los pasillos [...] Read more...

SciDev.Net: Climate vulnerability monitor will track nations’ fates

Source: SciDev.Net [CANCUN, MEXICO] Climate change could cause nearly one million deaths per year from 2030 onwards, according to a report released at the UN Climate Change conference (COP 16), in Mexico. 'Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2010: The State of [...] Read more...

Photo Essay



The crisis and the response From August 2008 to July 2009, over 4,200 Zimbabweans died in one of the worst recorded cholera outbreaks in Africa. The high death toll – far beyond the worst case UN scenario – was the result of collapsed water and sanitation [...] Read more...