Donor scores: The Netherlands

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The Netherlands maintained its 6th place ranking in the HRI 2009. It ranked 4th in Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners) and achieved 5th place in Pillar 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery), up from 16th in 2008, followed by 6th place in Pillar 4 (Protection and International Law), 7th position in Pillar 1 (Responding to needs) and 8th in Pillar 5 (Learning and accountability). The Netherlands was among the top ranked donors in terms of generosity and burden sharing, ranking 5th.

In comparison to its peers, the Netherlands did very well overall in the HRI specific indicators. It ranked 1st in seven indicators: advocacy for the respect for human rights, respect for the roles of the different components of the humanitarian sector, equitable distribution of funding against level of crisis and vulnerability criteria, funding to UN consolidated appeals, funding to IFRC and ICRC appeals, funding to CERF and other quick disbursement mechanisms and support for monitoring and evaluation. It was 2nd for un-earmarked funding and 3rd for funding to forgotten emergencies and those with low media coverage, support for local and government authorities’ coordination capacity and strengthening local capacity for disaster and crisis preparedness. It received some of its lowest rankings for indicators related to timeliness, including timely funding to sudden onset disasters and IFRC emergency appeals, where it ranked 22nd, and timely funding to complex emergencies with UN appeals, where it ranked 16th. It also received low marks for accountability towards affected populations, reporting requirements for humanitarian actors (16th) and implementing international humanitarian law (17th). The Netherlands’ performance in different crises studied was better than the overall average, particularly in Afghanistan and the occupied Palestinian Territories.

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