Donor scores: Portugal

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Portugal dropped to last place in the HRI rankings this year, showing consistently poor performance in all pillars and indicators of the HRI. It ranked 21st in Pillar 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery) and Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners), the highest rankings it obtained this year. In the remaining pillars, Portugal ranked 23rd, the lowest ranking donor compared with its peers. It ranked 22nd for generosity and burden sharing.

In the quantitative indicators, Portugal’s best rankings were in timeliness of funding to sudden onset disasters and un-earmarked funding, and 10th for respect for human rights law. All of the other indicators were within the bottom third of the donor group, with the majority ranked at either 22nd or 23rd.

However, assessing Portugal’s performance against the qualitative indicators of the HRI is particularly challenging as there is little evidence that it funds or engages with humanitarian organisations at the field level. Only one response was collected for Portugal in the HRI survey, which is considered as representative given the very low number of organisations that receive funding from Portugal according to OCHA’s FTS and other data sources. Accordingly, scores and rankings for the qualitative indicators of the HRI have been adjusted, and these data have been removed from the tables in order to preserve the confidentiality of the survey respondent.

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