Donor scores: Sweden

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After two years as the top-ranked donor in the HRI, Sweden dropped to 2nd this year. Sweden’s best ranking by pillar was in Pillar 4 (Protection and International Law), where it ranked 1st. Sweden ranked 2nd compared with its peers in Pillar 1 (Responding to needs) and Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners), 5th in Pillar 5 (Learning and accountability) and 6th in Pillar 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery). Sweden also ranked 1st in terms of generosity and burden sharing (along with Norway, Ireland and Luxembourg).

In the individual rankings by indicator, Sweden was the top-ranked donor for its support to multilateral institutions, with 1st place rankings for funding UN Consolidated Inter-Agency appeals, IFRC and ICRC appeals, UN coordination mechanisms and common services, and funding to CERF and other quick disbursement mechanisms. It was also 1st for implementation of refugee law, and did well for indicators on respect for international humanitarian law (2nd), timeliness of funding (2nd), supporting the needs of internally displaced persons (2nd), participation and support for accountability initiatives (3rd), longer-term funding arrangements (3rd) and funding of international disaster risk mitigation mechanisms (3rd). Sweden rated poorly relative to its peers on indicators around the timeliness of funding to sudden onset disasters (20th), funding local capacity (18th) and facilitating safe humanitarian access (17th). Sweden generally performed above the donor average in the majority of crises studied, but stood out for better than average scores in Colombia, Afghanistan, the occupied Palestinian Territories, Somalia and Georgia.

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