Donor scores: Canada

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Canada dropped three positions in the HRI 2009 ranking, from 10th in 2008 to 13th. The main factors behind the change in overall position concern several quantitative indicators. Nevertheless, Canada continued to score well in many qualitative (survey) indicators. By pillar, Canada’s best performance was 9th in Pillar 5 (Learning and accountability) and 10th in Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners). Its lowest ranking was in Pillar 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery), where it ranked 16th. Overall performance was close to the OECD-DAC average.

The highest rankings by indicator for Canada include funding to IFRC and ICRC appeals, where it ranks 1st compared with its peers, saving lives and maintaining human dignity (3rd), ensuring responses are adapted to changing needs (3rd), support to refugees (4th) and neutrality and impartiality (5th). Its lowest rankings by indicator include a 17th place ranking for support for assessing needs and funding to forgotten emergencies and those with low media coverage, 18th place for support for crisis prevention and preparedness measures, and 20th place for strengthening local capacity for disaster and crisis preparedness. It also ranked poorly in indicators around support for monitoring and evaluations, and implementation of evaluation recommendations.

In the different crises studied in the HRI 2009, Canada scored above the overall donor average in China, Myanmar, Colombia, and the occupied Palestinian Territories, around average in Ethiopia, and below average in Sri Lanka, Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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