Donor scores: Germany

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Germany climbed one position in this year’s HRI, to 16th position. Its best ranking was in Pillar 4 (Protection and International Law), where it reached 15th place, followed by Pillar 1 (Responding to needs) in 16th position, and 17th position in Pillar 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery), Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners) and Pillar 5 (Learning and accountability). In the indicator for generosity and burden sharing, Germany is ranked 16th in comparison to its peers.

In the HRI’s individual indicators Germany has strengths in mainstreaming risk reduction and prevention into the response, and for crisis prevention and preparedness measures, with 3rd place rankings. However, it only ranked 15th for funding international disaster risk mitigation mechanisms. Germany also did well in indicators for funding to NGOs (1st), advocacy for the respect of human rights (2nd), respect for the roles of the different components of the humanitarian sector (2nd) and needs-based responses (4th). It ranked 2nd for supporting the needs of refugees, but only 16th for implementation of refugee law. While it ranked well in support for monitoring and evaluation, and promotion of good practice and quality standards (3rd), it was 19th in terms of conducting evaluations. Indicators around funding issues were another area with poor rankings: 17th in timeliness of funding to partners, and funding local capacity and longer-term funding arrangements, 18th in conditionality of aid that does not compromise humanitarian action, 19th in timeliness of funding to complex emergencies and in funding UN consolidated appeals, 20th in unearmarked funding and 21st in flexibility of funding. Germany’s performance was around the overall donor average in the crises studied this year, with slightly better than average scores in the occupied Palestinian Territories.

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