The scale and breadth of DARA’s field research and evaluation work gives the organisation an unparalleled overview of what works well and what does not in aid – based on direct experience and evidence from the field:
WFP Regional Operation Evaluation in Central America EVAL
DARA recently conducted a Regional Evaluation of the World Food Programme (WFP) Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) in Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The evaluation analyzed the extent to which WFP’s programme responded [...] Read more...
Evaluation of a Cross-Border Project in Ipiranga covering vulnerable unregistered populations EVAL
The Asociación Comité Ipiranga (ACI) offers social support to unregistered rural populations that do not have access to basic public social services. DARA’s team evaluated three aspects of the support projects ACI implements: health, education, and food security [...] Read more...
Assessment of the Aid provided by the Spanish Bilateral Cooperation within the Health Sector EVAL
The DCSyM (Sectorial and Multilateral Cooperation Directorate) of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID in its Spanish acronym) has selected DARA to review the aid provided by the General Administration of the State (AGE) to the health [...] Read more...
Final evaluation of the project. “Strengthening the health sector of Giza’s Government, Egypt, Phase I and II” EVAL
The project “Strengthening the health sector of Giza’s Government” was a project funded by the Spanish bilateral cooperation aid in response to an interest expressed by the Egyptian authorities; it addressed some of the structural weaknesses identified in [...] Read more...
Evaluation of housing construction projects in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, from the Tsunami Special Plan of the Spanish Red Cross EVAL
The evaluation sought to learn from the important operation of the Spanish Red Cross (SRC) in the December 2004 tsunami hit areas of Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The evaluation covered three projects of housing construction in Kalutara (Sri Lanka), Aceh Barat and [...] Read more...
Intermediate Evaluation of the Community Based First Aid Project, CFBA, with rural population from Aceh Barat, Indonesia EVAL
The objective of the intervention in Indonesia is to improve the health of some 15,000 people in the sub-districts of Meurebo, Kaway XVI and Bubon. These are extremely vulnerable communities, affected by the tsunami and by years of armed conflict. Access to [...] Read more...
External Evaluation of the International Development Projects funded by the Government of Balearic Islands. EVAL
DARA has conducted external evaluations of 11 international development projects, financed by the Government of Islas Baleares, evaluating both internal processes and results and providing the NGOs that implement the above mentioned projects on the field, with [...] Read more...
Intermediate Evaluation of the Project “Peace building in the Balkans through actions that contribute to the respect of ethnic and cultural diversity among youth and children of the Balkans region, Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia.” EVAL
Spanish Red Cross (SRC) supports peace-building and conflict resolution efforts in the Balkans. Focus of interventions is on respect for human rights, tolerance, peace-building and reconciliation. Interventions are designed from a multicultural perspective given [...] Read more...
Evaluation of Specific Rehabilitation and Reconstruction projects in the Special Tsunami Plan (PEM) framework EVAL
DARA carried out an evaluation of five post-emergency projects implemented by the Spanish Red Cross in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The five projects were namely: 1. Environmental clean-up in communities affected by the earthquake in the Galle and Kalutara districts [...] Read more...
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