The scale and breadth of DARA’s field research and evaluation work gives the organisation an unparalleled overview of what works well and what does not in aid – based on direct experience and evidence from the field:
Evaluation of UN Women’s Contribution to Humanitarian Action

Dara is currently conducting the global corporate thematic evaluation of UN Women’s contribution to humanitarian action, which is now in the reporting phase. The team has completed field missions to Cameroon, Bangladesh, Colombia, South Sudan, and Jordan, [...] Read more...
Study Value for money in the humanitarian sector EVAL
DARA, in cooperation with Indevelop and GRM International, carried out a study on value for money in the humanitarian sector for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and one of its long-standing partners in contexts strained by armed [...] Read more...
Evaluation of FAO’s role and work related to DRR in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean EVAL
The purpose was to evaluate the Role and Work of FAO in Disaster Risk Reduction within the overall framework of Disaster Risk Management, providing FAO’s Member Countries and FAO Secretariat with a qualitative assessment of the Organization’s activities in [...] Read more...
Phase I Study Research to Assess How Gender Equality Programming influences Humanitarian Outcomes EVAL
The scope of the research is to assess the influence of GEP across the framework of humanitarian action (preparedness, response and early recovery), in key humanitarian sectors (i.e., shelter, health, water and sanitation, food distribution, protection, education [...] Read more...
Mapping and Identification of Mechanisms and Development Funding to Respond to Disaster Emergencies in Latin America, 2008 EVAL
The heads of state at the Iberia-American Summit (Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 2007), concerned by the damage natural disasters cause to the countries of the region, commissioned the SEGIB to hold a meeting of expert to evaluate the possibility of establishing [...] Read more...
Thematic study on the Paris Declaration, Aid Effectiveness and Development Effectiveness EVAL
Prepare Evaluative Framework (Conceptual and Theoretical) for Second Phase of the Evaluation of Paris Declaration. The assignment focused on four central stages: Analysis of key concepts and causal relationships in the PD, including analysis of the evolution [...] Read more...
Evaluation of DIPECHO (Disaster Preparedness ECHO) Action Plans in Central America EVAL
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the progress made towards enhancing resilience and reducing vulnerability to natural disaster of the most at-risk populations and the institutions of Central America. The focus was on reviewing DIPECHO and measuring [...] Read more...
Study on Private Financing of Humanitarian Action 1995-2005 EVAL
The purpose of this project was to undertake a study of the trends concerning the commercial sector engagement within humanitarian action, a study compiled by DARA and commissioned by the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI [...] Read more...
Review of the Donors Response Synthesis to the Tsunami EVAL
The TEC was created as an initiative to promote a comprehensive cross sector approach to evaluate the relief, reconstruction, and development aspects of the response to the Tsunami. The purpose of the TEC is to set up mechanisms and procedures to establish a coordinated [...] Read more...
Assessment of the international community’s funding of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in response to the Tsunami EVAL
In evaluating the International Community’s funding of the tsunami relief and recovery operation, assessing the funds channelled by the Red Cross Red Crescent movement was key. Coming from both private and governmental sources, these represent close to a third [...] Read more...
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