Press Release: Climate vulnerable countries seek to catalyse action at COP17 and beyond
What? “One of the most striking new voices on climate change that’s emerged since the UN summit in Copenhagen two years ago is the Climate Vulnerable Forum.” BBC NewsThe Climate Vulnerable Forum 2011, 13-14 November, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a Ministerial Meeting of countries heavily affected by climate change adamant to amplify political pressure for a resolution to the climate crisis, just ahead of Durban COP17
Who? Government of Bangladesh is host (Prime Minister of Bangladesh) – Foreign and Environment Ministers from around the world, international organizations, topic specialists and civil society
Why? Because working together and speaking out with one voice, vulnerable countries can be better heard, exert greater pressure, and achieve enhanced results
How? The CVF was established just prior to the Copenhagen UN climate summit (COP15), when 11 governments convened in the Maldives adopted an important declaration that spelled out concerns, demands and commitments to action shared by vulnerable countries. Read more
CDKN blog22 December: Durban climate politics and the growing importance of unity for vulnerable countries Press Release6 December: Vulnerable countries will not give up fight on climate change Press Release6 December: CVF to meet at Durban COP 17 Forum Outcome Notes30 November: Download the Outcome Notes of the Climate Vulnerable Forum 2011 |
Photos[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157628097595442″ pagination=0] > View all CVF photos |
Latest Videos[youtube 9j1sfRxg7NE 115 94] José María FigueresCVF Inauguration Speech [youtube d8EZFVhORuQ 115 94] Al Jazeera English |
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