Donor scores: Belgium

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Belgium’s overall ranking in the HRI this year slid from 14th to 17th. Similarly, its ranking by pillar also decreased across the five pillars – most notably in Pillar 4 (Protection and International Law) where it moved down six positions to 17th place. This year it ranked 19th in Pillars 1 and 5(Responding to needs and Learning and accountability), respectively. The country ranked 15th in Pillar 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery) and received its highest ranking of 12th in Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners). In the indicator on generosity and burden sharing, Belgium ranked 14th in comparison to its peers, based on volume of humanitarian assistance in proportion to GNI.

Belgium’s highest rankings compared with its peers were within Pillar 1 for indicators around equitable distribution of funding against the level of crisis and vulnerability (1st), distribution of funding in accordance to the needs in a crisis (4th) and funding local capacity (3rd) in Pillar 2. Belgium also ranked above the donor average in indicators around flexibility of funding and funding for UN appeals. The country was among the lowest ranking donors in many of the indicators of the HRI, such as the perception of neutrality and impartiality (22nd) non-discrimination (22nd) and timeliness of funding to complex emergencies (23rd). It also scored low in terms of strengthening humanitarian response capacity and facilitating safe humanitarian access. In the different crises studied, Belgium performed slightly below the overall donor average.

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