Donor scores: Italy

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Italy is ranked 19th in the 2008 HRI. Its top ranking by Pillar was 15th in Pillar 2 and 20th and 21st in Pillars 1 and 5. Italy ranked 3rd in the indicators for timely funding to sudden onset disasters and IFRC emergency appeals, as well as strengthening government capacity for response and mitigation. It ranked 5th in helping governments and local communities achieve better coordination and 7th in funding to crisis countries with historical ties and geographical proximity. On the other hand, it ranked last (23rd) in funding to strengthen local capacity, and 21st in reallocation of funds from other crises, timely funding to complex emergencies with UN appeals, predictable funding, and supporting learning and accountability initiatives. The perception of Italy in the field is generally poor. It scored marginally above the donor average in only six questions, most notably in questions relating to funding for disaster-risk reduction and preparedness, and for support for coordination. By contrast, Italy was perceived as performing particularly poorly in comparison to other donors in questions relating to the reallocation of funds from one crisis to another, the funding of needs assessments, and the timeliness of funding. Similarly, Italy scored significantly below the average in relation to supporting operational actors’ contingency funding and response capacity. Lastly, although Italy scored above average in the question relating to the encouragement of regular evaluations, it was perceived as performing noticeably below the average in supporting learning and accountability initiatives.

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