Donor scores: Germany

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Germany is ranked 17th in the 2008 HRI. Its top ranking was 12th in Pillar 5. However, it ranked 17th in both Pillars 1 and 3, and 19th in Pillar 2. In terms of specific indicators, Germany ranked first in the neutrality and funding to NGOs indicators, as well as 6th in sectoral distribution of funding through UN appeals and number of evaluations. Germany’s lowest rankings by indicator were 20th in funding to UN coordination mechanisms and common services and in unearmarked funding. In the survey, Germany generally scored below the donor average in most questions, particularly in questions relating to flexible and long-term funding arrangements as well as in helping governments and local communities achieve better coordination. However, it scored above average in the issues relating to the respect for the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence – a clear advantage over many of its peers.

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