The scale and breadth of DARA’s field research and evaluation work gives the organisation an unparalleled overview of what works well and what does not in aid – based on direct experience and evidence from the field:
Evaluation of Humanitarian Aid Programmes and Aid Strategy in favour of Western Sahara refugees EVAL
In 1987, AECI started its intervention in the Saharawi refugee camps. Since the early days, AECI’s aid strategy has focused on food security and overall humanitarian assistance to the affected population. In the AECI’s year plan 2005-08, Spanish ODA will mostly [...] Read more...
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition: phases one and two

On the 26th of December 2004, nearly 230,000 people died or disappeared and two million lost their homes in Asia and Africa, as a result of the worst natural hazard in recent times. Simultaneously, the largest humanitarian operation in history was initiated: the first system-wide study of a humanitarian response to be conducted since development of the approach following the Rwandan genocide. Read more...
Evaluation of the ICRC policy on Internally Displaced Persons

DARA participated in the first evaluation of the International Committee of the Red Cross’ (ICRC) policy on internally displaced persons (IDPs). The evaluation was the first to look at the organization's operational position towards IDPs with the aim of [...] Read more...
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