Description of project

Bernard Crenn
DARA in consortium with Particip (lead agency) and Prolog Consult undertook an evaluation of DG ECHO actions in coastal West Africa 2008-2014. The humanitarian situation in coastal West Africa is complex, due to a mixture of natural and man-made disasters. West African countries suffer from high levels of poverty, very low development and vulnerability to political crises, natural disasters and the consequences of climate change. Humanitarian challenges in the region are multifaceted, ranging from consequences of conflict situations (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast) to general weaknesses of institutional capacity and structural vulnerabilities to natural disasters and climate change (Benin, Nigeria, Togo, Guinea, etc).
The evaluation aimed to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of DG ECHO actions in coastal West Africa for the period 2008-2014 with a strong focus on accountability and learning. Recommendations emerging from the evaluation include: to improve the capacity to assess, respond to and monitor humanitarian needs in coastal WA,to define and implement DRR strategies in the region, and to strengthen effective processes and mechanisms for LRRD.
Read the evaluation report.
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