Description of project
The humanitarian reform process of the Spanish Cooperation initiated in the previous government includes a controversial element: the new role of the Spanish Cooperation as a direct implementing partner of humanitarian aid. Some independent studies have raised this issue, questioning the effectiveness of this donor intervention model as well as its convergence with the international principles of good donorship which plead for a neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian aid.
However, no detailed study has been done to analyse the real impact and effectiveness of donors’ direct interventions against traditional and universally accepted ones in which donors canalise funds through local, national and international humanitarian agencies.
The challenge and initiative of FRIDE, funded by AECID, is therefore to fill this gap of knowledge with a comparative study of the Spanish Cooperation response to three different humanitarian crises – OPT, Haiti and Mozambique – in which the AECID has intervened both, directly and canalising funds through agencies.
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