Evaluations & technical assistance

Mixed-method impact evaluation of food assistance to protracted Rohingya refugee populations of Bangladesh: 2002-2011

The objective of the evaluation was to provide evidence and inspiration for future strategies to improve the contribution of food assistance to increased self-reliance and potentially to durable solutions for both refugees and host populations in protracted Rohingya [...] Read more...

Mixed Method Impact Evaluation The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations: Its impact and role in Chad

The objective of the evaluation was to provide evidence and inspiration for future strategies to improve the contribution of food assistance to increased self-reliance and potentially to durable solutions for both refugees and host populations in protracted refugee [...] Read more...

Phase I Study Research to Assess How Gender Equality Programming influences Humanitarian Outcomes

The scope of the research is to assess the influence of GEP across the framework of humanitarian action (preparedness, response and early recovery), in key humanitarian sectors (i.e., shelter, health, water and sanitation, food distribution, protection, education [...] Read more...

Evaluation of capacity development and its impact on institutionalization of emergency preparedness and response (EPR) and Conflict/Disaster Risk Reduction (C/DRR) in the education sector in the West and Central Africa region (WCAR).

UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office (WCARO) contracted 2 DARA consultants to conduct a multi-country evaluation study of its emergency preparedness and response (EPR) and conflict/disaster risk reduction (C/DRR) capacity development and institutionalization [...] Read more...

IASC Evaluation of humanitarian interventions in South and Central Somalia from 2005-2010

This ex-post evaluation has been managed by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) supported by Danish Refugee Council on behalf of the IASC and funded by Danida, DFID, SDC, and SIDA. The Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) [...] Read more...

Inter-agency Real Time Evaluation (IA RTE) of the Humanitarian Response to the Floods in Pakistan

This evaluation was listed by UNICEF as one of the best evaluations in recent years. The evaluation was commissioned by the Inter‐Agency Standing Committee (IASC), funded by OCHA and undertaken by a team of four evaluators between January and March 2011. [...] Read more...

Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation of the Humanitarian response to Pakistan’s Displacement Crisis in 2009

This evaluation was listed by UNICEF as one of the best evaluations in recent years. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) commissioned an inter-agency real-time evaluation to obtain real-time analysis and feedback to better focus and adjust on-going [...] Read more...

Impact Evaluation of World Food Programme’s School Feeding Programme in Cambodia 2000-2010

The impact evaluation of the national school feeding programme in Cambodia is commissioned by the World Food Programme. The programme is designed to benefit more than half a million of children in Cambodia’s most vulnerable areas. Through the school feeding [...] Read more...

IA-RTE Philippines of the Humanitarian Response to Typhoons Ketsana and Parma

The IA-RTE provided a snap shot of the current situation including real-time feedback and learning to the UNCT and to the IASC locally. The main objectives will be to learn from the initial phase of the response and to identify lessons that need to be taken forward [...] Read more...

Mid-term Evaluation of WFP Protracted Relief and Recovery Operations (PRRO) in Timor Leste

DARA was part of the evaluation team on the mid-term evaluation of WFP’s PRRO in Timor Leste. The evaluation had the purpose of informing WFP staff in Mozambique, the regional office and head-quarters about the progress of the PRRO and suggested changes to [...] Read more...