Evaluations & technical assistance

Training session for the CECOD IV course on evaluation of cooperation interventions

DARA (LF&SP) did a training session for the CECOD IV course on evaluation of cooperation interventions. The session was part of the last phase of the course, based on real practical experiences. According to this purpose, DARA presented two past evaluation [...] Read more...

Comparative Analysis of Humanitarian Intervention Models of the Spanish Cooperation. Case Studies: OPT, Haiti/Panama and Mozambique

The humanitarian reform process of the Spanish Cooperation initiated in the previous government includes a controversial element: the new role of the Spanish Cooperation as a direct implementing partner of humanitarian aid. Some independent studies have raised [...] Read more...

Raising the Bar: Enhancing transatlantic governance on disaster relief and preparedness

The Raising the Bar Project is designed to enhance transatlantic coherence and cooperation in humanitarian action. Over 18 months, a project team based on a unique network of transatlantic organizations conducted field-based empirical research to provide an in [...] Read more...

Thematic study on the Paris Declaration, Aid Effectiveness and Development Effectiveness

Prepare Evaluative Framework (Conceptual and Theoretical) for Second Phase of the Evaluation of Paris Declaration. The assignment focused on four central stages: Analysis of key concepts and causal relationships in the PD, including analysis of the evolution [...] Read more...

Development and Implantation of an M&E system for FRIDE

The project consisted in the identification, design and support for the implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation system for the Spanish think-tank FRIDE. The final objective of such system is to provide assurance of the academic quality of the publications [...] Read more...

Study on Private Financing of Humanitarian Action 1995-2005

The purpose of this project was to undertake a study of the trends concerning the commercial sector engagement within humanitarian action, a study compiled by DARA and commissioned by the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI [...] Read more...

Technical Assistance to the Organising Committee of the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security

One year after the Madrid bombs, the Club of Madrid organised a unique conference, the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security. Its purpose was to build a common agenda on how the community of democratic nations can most effectively confront [...] Read more...

Workshops on Aid Harmonisation and Conflict Prevention in Burkina Faso. Elaboration of the Study “Towards a new Era in Development Aid: Building Effective Institutional Infrastructure in LCDs”

As part of UNDP’s Workshop on aid management tools, DARA reviewed the performance of the DAD database in Afghanistan and other applications such as DCAS, UNICEF’s, DevInfo, and the Egyptian Government’s DECODE. The Secretariat of Development Policy and [...] Read more...

Assessment of the Humanitarian Situation in Sudan, and the Consequences of Inaction for the Conflict Affected Population in Darfur

The assessment study: “Sudan: an unbearable indifference” was commissioned by FRIDE .The report included an assessment of the humanitarian situation in Sudan, and the consequences of inaction for the conflict affected population in Darfur. The report analysed [...] Read more...

Security and Defence Reform in Serbia and Montenegro

The program aimed to encourage and support senior elected officials and other civilian and military leaders in Serbia-Montenegro committed to undertaking critical reform issues. The Club of Madrid brought together experienced international leaders from among the [...] Read more...