July 1, 2020

As part of a Long Term Agreement with UNFPA, in consortium with Hera and Particip GmbH, DARA was appointed to conduct this assignment in March 2020.
The main focus of this evaluation is to assess whether the implemented activities of this DG ECHO funded project led to the achievement of the planned results as well as to the project’s objectives. The project components include: a) expanding service delivery of Social Service Centres (SSCs) by reinforcing human and physical assets, b) improving the service quality of SSCs, and c) strengthening social service policy for refugees and until 2019 it was implemented in 27 provinces.
The three specific objectives of the evaluation are to provide an independent assessment of the relevance and performance of the project; draw key lessons from past and highlight good practices; and provide clear and forward-looking strategic and actionable recommendations. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the evaluation is being conducted remotely. The team is currently working on the evaluation report and it is expected to be published in the coming weeks.
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