January 22, 2015

UNHCR / F. Noy
DARA has been commissioned by UNICEF to conduct an external evaluation of its response and programme strategies to the humanitarian crisis in Central African Republic (CAR). The emergency in CAR, which started in December 2012, is a growing humanitarian and human rights crisis with increasing needs, which has caused massive displacement within CAR and in neighboring countries. Internal conflict has led to an increase in sectarian and ethnic violence, and although a new transitional President was installed in January 2014, CAR still suffers from continued violence and conflict.
DARA is currently in the inception phase. The evaluation will assess UNICEF’s programmatic and strategic response to the humanitarian and protection crisis in CAR from July 2013 to September 2014 in order to inform UNICEF’s 2015/2016 programming as well as the L3 transition strategy.
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