August 6, 2013

Domiz Camp, Iraq, June 2013 / Ed Schenkenberg
As the Syrian refugee emergency continues to escalate, with the 1 million mark reached in March, UNHCR has conducted a real-time evaluation of its response, focusing particularly on those countries receiving the largest numbers of refugees. The evaluation was aimed to be forward-looking and refugee-centred, focusing on the key protection and assistance gaps experienced by exiled Syrians.
The evaluation was conducted in June 2013 and was led by a team of independent experts, including Ed Schenkenberg, Chief Executive of DARA, as NGO representative.
The evaluationfound that UNHCR has scaled-up substantially in its response to the mounting Syrian refugee crisis. However, while there have been some significant achievements, the growing number and needs of the refugees, as well as the serious pressures they are placing on host communities, now require UNHCR and its partners to complement their emergency response activities with comprehensive and proactive strategies.
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