Sweden Overall Performance
Sweden ranked 3rd in the HRI 2011, improving two positions from last year. Based on the patterns of its scores, Sweden is classified as a Group 1 donor. Donors in this group tend to perform above average in all pillars. Other Group 1 donors are Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland. Sweden’s overall score was above the OECD/DAC and Group 1 averages. It scored above both average in all pillars, with the exception of Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners), where it scored above the OECD/DAC average, but below the Group 1 average.
Compared to its OECD/DAC peers, Sweden did best in the indicators on Reducing climate-related vulnerability, Funding UN and RC/RC appeals, Funding accountability initiatives, Funding international risk mitigation and Refugee law. Its scores were relatively lower in indicators on Funding reconstruction and prevention, Funding NGOs, Timely funding to complex emergencies, Un-earmarked funding and Appropriate reporting requirements.
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References for Donor assessment of Sweden (94 Kb)
UPDATE: Sweden has adopted a new humanitarian policy and strategy. Please see the links below for more information.
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