Norway Overall Performance
Norway ranked 1st in the HRI 2011, improving three positions from last year. Based on the pattern of its scores, Norway is classified as a Group 1 donor. Donors in this group tend to perform above average in all pillars. Other Group 1 donors include Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. Overall, Norway scored above the OECD/DAC and Group 1 averages. Norway scored above the OECD/DAC average in all pillars. It was above the Group 1 average in all pillars, with the exception of Pillar 1 (Responding to needs) and Pillar 5 (Learning and accountability), where it scored below average.
Norway did best compared to its OECD/DAC peers in the indicators on Funding UN and RC/RC appeals, Reducing climate-related vulnerability, Funding NGOs, Un-earmarked funding and Refugee law. Its scores were relatively lower in indicators on Funding reconstruction and prevention, Funding vulnerable and forgotten emergencies, Timely funding to complex emergencies, Implementing evaluation recommendations and Prevention and risk reduction.
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References for Donor assessment of Norway (97 Kb)
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