Retrospective evaluation of the GFDRR Program in a sample of disaster-prone countries EVAL
Despite overall awareness of the need to invest efforts in increasing Disaster Risk Management (DRM) among vulnerable country governments and the international aid community, there is a gap between high level commitments and actual achievements on the ground [...] Read more...
Monday 8 June 2015
Mapping and Identification of Mechanisms and Development Funding to Respond to Disaster Emergencies in Latin America, 2008 EVAL
The heads of state at the Iberia-American Summit (Santiago de Chile, Chile, November 2007), concerned by the damage natural disasters cause to the countries of the region, commissioned the SEGIB to hold a meeting of expert to evaluate the possibility of establishing [...] Read more...
Tuesday 19 April 2011
Final evaluation of the project. “Strengthening the health sector of Giza’s Government, Egypt, Phase I and II” EVAL
The project “Strengthening the health sector of Giza’s Government” was a project funded by the Spanish bilateral cooperation aid in response to an interest expressed by the Egyptian authorities; it addressed some of the structural weaknesses identified in [...] Read more...
Tuesday 19 April 2011
External Evaluation of the International Development Projects funded by the Government of Balearic Islands. EVAL
DARA has conducted external evaluations of 11 international development projects, financed by the Government of Islas Baleares, evaluating both internal processes and results and providing the NGOs that implement the above mentioned projects on the field, with [...] Read more...
Tuesday 19 April 2011
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