April 3, 2010
Ross Mountain, Director General of DARA, chaired a conference panel on health priorities in disasters and crises at DIHAD 2010 (Dubai International Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference & Exhibition), 5 April, 2010.
The panel for What does “first things first” actually mean? was made up of HE. Ambassador Tony Frisch, Deputy Director General and Head of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Department, and DR. Jemilah Mahmood, Chief of the Humanitarian Response Branch of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), amongst others.
Former Humanitarian Coordinator in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mountain opened the discussion by drawing the distinction between complex emergencies and natural disasters given the recent earthquake in Haiti. He mentioned that the massive earthquake has brought to the forefront the need to adapt responses to the crisis in question, as well as the need to invest in prevention and preparedness.
Search and rescue
He also stated that in natural disasters, clearly the search and rescue effort need to have priority. Mountain, who travelled to Haiti shortly after the earthquake hit, noted that some 70 international teams had managed to save an unprecedented 135 people. However, he added that this should not obscure the fact that in such circumstances neighbours and national organizations save the overwhelming bulk, and thus the importance of investing in national capacity.
Evolving needs
Mountain went on to note that priorities change even over the short time of the emergency from search and rescue to water, sanitation, food, shelter, and psycho-social, with protection particularly of women and children being a constant preoccupation, especially for those living in camps.
Cluster approach and coordination
Mountain referred to the cluster approach and the importance of mechanisms being in the emergency site rather than in capitals only. He emphasized that coordination is about ensuring impact for the victims and that speed was of essence. Structures are important but clarity of goals, leadership and management should be indispensable at all levels.
Donors and good practice
DARA’s Director General also drew attention to the key role of donors as part of the response, not only in terms of what is given, with the frequent problems of inappropriate contributions in kind, but also how aid is given, encouraging good practice, supporting access, protecting civilians and maintaining the international humanitarian role.
Specific reference was made to the 23 Good Humanitarian Donorship principles that were agreed to by OECD donors in Stockholm in 2003 and he referred to the DARA’s work in this respect.
Centre for Conflict Resolution group seminar, Cape Town, South Africa, 19 – 20 April, 2010
Ross Mountain will participate in a Policy Advisory Group Seminar, “Post-Conflict Reconstruction in the DRC”, hosted by the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR). Mountain will give a presentation on the theme “The Role of the United Nations in the DRC” on April 19.
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