Belgium Overall Performance
Belgium ranked 13th in the HRI 2011, a major improvement from its 18th place ranking in 2010, largely due to significantly higher scores in the quantitative indicators compared to 2010. Belgium is classified as a Group 3 donor. Donors in this group tend to perform below average in all pillars, with the exception of Pillars 1 (Responding to needs) and 2 (Prevention, risk reduction and recovery), where they score close to average. Other donors in the group include Australia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, and Spain.
Belgium’s overall score was below the OECD/DAC average, and also slightly below the Group 3 average. Belgium scored below the OECD/ DAC and Group 3 averages in all pillars, with the exception of Pillar 4 (Protection and international law), where it scored below the OECD/ DAC average, yet above the Group 3 average. Belgium received its lowest overall score in Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners). Belgium did best compared to its OECD/DAC peers in indicators on Facilitating safe access, Appropriate reporting requirements Funding vulnerable and forgotten emergencies and Independence of aid. Its scores were relatively the lowest in the indicators on Funding and commissioning evaluations, Participating in accountability initiatives, Funding international risk mitigation, Accountability towards beneficiaries and Timely funding to sudden onset emergencies. Overall, Belgium scored significantly higher on the qualitative, survey-based indicators than on the quantitative indicators.
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