Donor scores: Denmark

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Denmark is ranked third in the 2008 HRI, with first place rankings in both Pillar 2 and 5, 7th place in Pillar 1 and 8th in Pillar 3. Denmark did well on timely funding to sudden onset disasters and IFRC emergency appeals, funding to international disaster risk mitigation mechanisms, and implementing human rights and refugee law, as well as promoting learning and accountability by participating in and funding accountability initiatives and by requesting a significant number of evaluations. However, it ranked quite low in the distribution of funding relative to ECHO’s Crisis and Vulnerability Indices and in funding to forgotten emergencies and those with low media coverage. Humanitarian agencies in the field positively perceived the performance of Denmark. Denmark scored slightly below the group average in questions relating to preventing or strengthening preparedness for emergencies, the perception of its capacity for informed decision- making, and its support for IDPs. By contrast, Denmark scored well on other questions relating to the international guiding principles such as the respect and support for human rights and international humanitarian and refugee law. It also did particularly well in questions relating to support for long-term development, as well as in its support for operational actors’ contingency planning and response capacity.

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