Donor scores: European Commission

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The European Commission is ranked 5th in the 2008 HRI. The EC ranks 2nd in Pillars 2 and 3rd in Pillar 5, but does less well in Pillars 1 (6th) and Pillar 3 (9th). By indicator, the European Commission ranked well in funding to strengthen local capacity, participating in and funding accountability initiatives, and both encouraging regular evaluations and the number of evaluations carried out. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the EC ranked last in unearmarked funding, as well as 20th in funding to crisis countries with historical ties and geographical proximity and 18th in reallocation of funds from other crises and ensuring rapid recovery of sustainable livelihoods. The EC achieves 16th place in alignment to long-term development goals. Based on the survey results, the European Commission is perceived as doing well in working with local partners to reach vulnerable populations. It has a first place ranking in the HRI for involving beneficiaries in design and implementation, and in donor capacity for informed decision-making, in supporting effective coordination efforts (4), in monitoring and evaluation (5), in strengthening local capacity for response and mitigation (2), and in strengthening resilience to cope with crises (7). The EC’s lack of flexibility and bureaucratic character was also captured by the survey. For example, it receives the bottom ranks for reducing earmarking of funds (23) and for the flexibility of its funding (18). Another issue is the timeliness of funding, where the EC receives a 17th and 16th place ranking in all three of the indicators related to this.

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