“This second edition of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor is the splash of cold water we desperately need to awaken us from our climate change complacency.”
Robert Glasser, Secretary-General of CARE International
The Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2nd Edition reveals that climate change has already held back global development and inaction is a leading global cause of death. Harm is most acute for poor and vulnerable groups but no country is spared either the costs of inaction or the benefits of an alternative path.
Commissioned by the world’s most vulnerable countries and backed by high-level and technical panels, the new Monitor estimates human and economic impacts of climate change and the carbon economy for 184 countries in 2010 and 2030, across 34 indicators.
Watch the videos and view the photo gallery of the global launch of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2nd Edition, Sept 26th, Asia Society, New York
> Use the worldmap to browse data by country or compare countries
> Also check out TckTckTck’s map of country vulnerability across a selection of indicators
The Climate Vulnerability Monitor:
34 Indicators in 4 Impact Areas for Climate Change & Carbon Economy
Environmental Disasters
Habitat Change
Heating and Cooling
Labour Productivity
Sea-Level Rise
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