DARA in the media

Forced Migration Review: Democratic Republic of Congo: Past. Present. Future?

Source: Forced Migration Review Democratic Republic of Congo: Past. Present. Future? Too big to fail Ross Mountain The UN integrated mission in DRC and the piloting of humanitarian reform there have been necessarily innovative in a challenging [...] Read more...

The New York Times: Military and Relief Aid: When the Lines Blur

Source: The New York Times Military and Relief Aid: When the Lines Blur Published: December 23, 2010 // To the Editor: Re “U.S. Afghan Role Questioned as Relief Worker Deaths Soar” (front page, Dec. 14): Your article pointing to the danger of [...] Read more...

Australian Council for International Development: Humanitarian Response Index 2010

Source: The Australian Council for International Development DARA announces Humanitarian Response Index 2010 20 December 2010 DARA has announced the Humanitarian Response Index 2010. The Index provides an overview of the humanitarian performance of donor [...] Read more...

Epoch Times: New Zealand ranked third in the Humanitarian Response Index (Chinese)

Source: Epoch Times   新西蘭人道主義應對指數世界排名第三 【簡體版】 【打印機版】 【字號】大 中 小 【大紀元2010年12月19日訊】(大紀元記者楊楠新西蘭奧克蘭編譯報導)本周在布魯塞爾舉行的歐洲發展日期間被發表的“ [...] Read more...

Kristeligt Dagblad: Pioneering country Denmark must improve (Danish)

Source: Kristeligt Dagblad Søren Friis | 16. december 2010 For mange katastrofer glemmes af politikerne og forbliver uberørte af støttekronerne, skriver Søren Friis, cand.mag. i internationale studier TORSDAG DEN 9. december skrev Udenrigsministeriet [...] Read more...

dBalears.cat: Humanitarian aid is increasingly subjected to other interests (Catalán)

Source: dBalears.cat Un informe conclou que els governs supediten les ajudes als interessos econòmics i estratègics. El darrer any, l'Estat espanyol ha reduït un 4,5% les partides Agències | 16/12/2010 | Vistes: 183 vegades// L'ajuda humanit [...] Read more...

la Repubblica: Humanitarian aid, Italy is the worst donor at 20th place in European rankings (Italian)

Source: la Repubblica Un risultato negativo in controtendenza rispetto al mondo che di fronte all'incremento nei disastri naturali e nelle crisi politiche, stanno aumentando i fondi per aiuti ed emergenze.Il riscatto delle molte organizzazioni del nostro paese [...] Read more...

New Zealand Herald: NZ ranked third for humanitarian response

Source: New Zealand Herald New Zealand is among the top three countries in the world for its humanitarian response to international crises, according to an aid watchdog's report. In the Humanitarian Response Index 2010, published by DARA, New Zealand is [...] Read more...

EurActiv: UN official- Political interests are increasingly driving aid policy

Source: EurActiv Aid is being increasingly driven by donors' political, economic or military objectives rather than prioritising the needs of its recipients, according to Ross Mountain, the UN secretary-general's deputy special representative to the Democratic [...] Read more...

EurActiv: Report denounces humanitarian aid ‘politicisation’, lauds EU

Source: EurActiv Humanitarian aid coming from EU member states is becoming increasingly driven by politics, making multilateral donors such as the EU more apt at addressing recipients' needs, according to a report presented by a UN official on Tuesday (7 December [...] Read more...