CVI in the media

Informativos Telecinco: A total 132 countries will be vulnerable to climate change by 2030 if no action is taken, according to a DARA report (Spanish)

Former executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Michael Zammit Cutajar, warned that in 2010, a total of 97 countries around the world have high levels of vulnerability to climate change, a figure which, if no action is taken, will rise to 132 countries in 2030 (from a total of 184 countries included in the study). Read more...

Agroinformación: Teresa Ribera, the Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change, says that the adaptation to climate change requires collective responsibility and solidarity (Spanish)

Almost all countries have a high vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Spain and the US are the most vulnerable among developed nations. Read more...

La Información: The climate-related mortality rate is estimated at 350,00 victims a year (Spanish)

Around 350,000 people die each year due to climate related issues, but the world could suffer 1 million deaths per year from 2030 onwards if no corrective actions are taken. Read more...

Público: 350,000 people die each year due to climate change (Spanish)

Among developed nations, Spain and the US are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Read more...

El Universal: Climate change – time is flying (Spanish)

The climate crisis is now seriously jeopardizing the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals for 2015. An article by José María Figueres, member of DARA’s advisory panel and former president of Costa Rica. Source: El Universal El acuerdo alcanzado [...] Read more...

El Diario (Bolivia): Warnings on Bolivia´s vulnerability to climate change (Spanish)

According to the CVM 2010, Bolivia’s level of vulnerability can triple in the next ten years. Source: El Diario (ANF).- Una investigación financiada por la National Science Foundation, vaticina que las sequías catastróficas que elevan hasta dos [...] Read more...

Reuters: Analysis – Next climate test: how to adapt

Source: Reuters By Patrick Rucker and Robert Campbell CANCUN, Mexico | Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:10pm EST (Reuters) - Climate negotiators left this tourist city upbeat about a modest deal to control global warming, but the world still faces daunting choices [...] Read more...

Mother Jones: How children suffer from climate change

Source: Mother Jones By Jen Quraishi As MoJo's Kate Sheppard discusses here, a new report by international humanitarian organization DARA finds that climate change could kill up to 5 million people in the next 10 years—and most of them are [...] Read more...

El País: Climate Summit in Cancun leads nowhere (Spanish)

The CVM attended the climate summit in Cancun, and Japan announced that it does not want to participate in a second Kyoto Protocol. Source: El País Los delegados de los 194 países reunidos en la Cumbre del Clima de Cancún parecen moverse por los pasillos [...] Read more...

SciDev.Net: Climate vulnerability monitor will track nations’ fates

Source: SciDev.Net [CANCUN, MEXICO] Climate change could cause nearly one million deaths per year from 2030 onwards, according to a report released at the UN Climate Change conference (COP 16), in Mexico. 'Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2010: The State of [...] Read more...