January 12, 2015

WFP / Alejandro Chicheri
The Listen and Learn project, a joint DARA/Keystone initiative funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, aimed to improve the accountability of aid efforts in Haiti and provide a model for greater beneficiary accountability in relief and recovery programming.
The project took place between January 2013 and July 2014 and consisted of two components. The first component presented the situation in Haiti four years after the earthquake and analyzed the beneficiary accountability practices of aid actors. The second component, using Keystone Accountability’s Ground Truth model, tested a new way to gauge the perceptions of disaster-affected people and to assist organizations in incorporating that perspective into program design and implementation.
The project highlights the need for beneficiary accountability as an integral part of programming and a donor requirement, effective beneficiary feedback mechanisms, a culture of adaptation and flexibility, and feedback as a key component of monitoring and evaluation.
Read the report.
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