Changes to the methodology

In the interest of continual improvement, the HRI methodology is reviewed and adjusted each year to reflect developments in the humanitarian field and improvements in the index design and analysis. In 2009, nearly 50 key informants from governments, UN agencies [...] Read more...

Pillars and Indicators

The HRI uses both quantitative and qualitative data to build 35 indicators, organised into five pillars, which capture the essence of the Principles of Good Humanitarian Donorship. The pillars correspond to five basic questions: Pillar 1: Are donor responses [...] Read more...

La Información: Spain falls into the 17th spot in the ranking of the most efficient countries in humanitarian aid (Spanish)

Source: La Información -Los intereses políticos condicionan cada vez más la asistencia humanitaria, según un informe de la Fundación DARA Internacional MADRID, 07 (SERVIMEDIA) España se sitúa actualmente en el 17º puesto de los países que gestionan [...] Read more...

Ecoticias: Humanitarian aid is increasingly linked to political interests (Spanish)

Source: Ecoticias La ayuda humanitaria de los gobiernos está cada vez más condicionada por intereses políticos, según un informe publicado este martes por la organización independiente DARA, que ha analizado la respuesta de 23 gobiernos donantes del [...] Read more...

Diario SIGLO XXI: Spain is at the end of the line in humanitarian response efforts (Spanish)

Source: Diario SIGLO XXI BRUSELAS, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) La ayuda humanitaria de los gobiernos está cada vez más condicionada por intereses políticos, según un informe publicado este martes por la organización independiente DARA, que ha analizado la respuesta [...] Read more...

Donor Assessments

The conceptual foundation of the HRI is the 23 Principles and Good Practice of Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) developed in 2003 by the world’s main donor governments and adopted by the members of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic [...] Read more...

Response to crises

The Humanitarian Response Index 2010 report covers donor governments’ response to humanitarian crises during 2009 in 14 countries: Afghanistan, the Central African Republic (CAR), Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Indonesia, the occupied [...] Read more...

Jakarta Globe: Experts say Indonesia very vulnerable to climate change

Source: Jakarta Globe Cancun, Mexico. Though Indonesia is not at high risk of extreme weather events, an expert said on Tuesday that the country’s vulnerability to environment disaster magnified the potential risk. Armi Susandi, an Indonesian meteorological [...] Read more...

Treehugger: Climate Change to Kill 5 Million People Globally by 2020 & It Just Goes Up Each Year After That

Source: Treehugger Each year there are 350,000 people dying due to climate change, with a total death toll by 2020 of five million; each year after that deaths from climate change are likely to be as high as one million people annually--that is unless we take [...] Read more...

El Periódico de México: Denmark, Ireland and New Zealand, countries that offer more humanitarian aid (Spanish)

The HRI 2010 is featured in a Spanish article about the leading humanitarian donors. Read more...