Donor scores: Portugal

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Portugal is not included in the overall ranking of this year’s Humanitarian Response Index, as insufficient survey responses were obtained to calculate the qualitative indicators of the index. Based on the patterns of its scores in quantitative indicators, however, it is classified as Group 3 donor. This classification allows Portugal to compare its performance, not only to all other Organisation of Economic Co-operation Development / Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC) donors, but also to donors whose performance is similar. The other Group 3 donors are Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan and Spain. Compared to other OECD/DAC donors, Portugal is a below average donors in the five “pillars” – groupings of the key concepts of the Principles of Good Humanitarian Donorship, which donors have committed to respect. It is also below average in comparison to other Group 3 donors, with the exception of Pillar 3 (Working with humanitarian partners), where it is average.

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