Evaluations & technical assistance

Evaluation Card:
Assessment of the Aid provided by the Spanish Bilateral Cooperation within the Health Sector
2 from DARA + 1 external consultant
Name of client:
AECID (DCSyM: Sectorial and Multilateral Cooperation Directorate)
Origin of funding:
Direct assignment
Dates (start/end):
Sept-Dec 2009
Name of consortium members (if any):

Description of project

The DCSyM (Sectorial and Multilateral Cooperation Directorate) of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID in its Spanish acronym) has selected DARA to review the aid provided by the General Administration of the State (AGE) to the health sector during the time period 2005-2008.

This three-month diagnostic served as an opportunity to thoroughly review the aid provided by AGE, and more especially by AECID, to establish what exactly has been carried out within each health subsector, country and region, as well as the precise reasons for using the different funding instruments. By analyzing AGE’s past performance in the health sector, the AECID will have a clearer picture on how to manage its future aid.

The study was carried out in two phases. During the first one DARA provided descriptive quantitative information through the analysis of the Spanish Cooperation Data base. In the second phase, DARA provided clear conclusions and guidelines on the performance and orientation of the AGE´s contribution to the health sector.